A Journey To The Cross
Station 1: CHOSEN
Read Matthew 10:1-9 which describes Jesus calling His disciples. Then, look at the short bios of some of the disciples on the board. Each disciple had a very different personality, background, and story. Pause for a moment to take in the fact that the people Jesus called were regular people with human weaknesses just like me and you.
Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-30. Jesus does not pick people based on the world's values- he often chose the lowly, the uneducated, the weak. They only had to be willing to follow. Jesus asked them to trust him and leave everything behind.
Now imagine that Jesus is calling YOU to follow Him. Look in the mirror and imagine that Jesus says he has chosen YOU. What emotions come up for you? Do you feel humbled, unworthy, unqualified, or unprepared? Just like His 12 disciples, Jesus does not choose you because you are perfect, but because you are His child whom He loves. He is inviting you to journey with Him tonight, but He is also inviting you to follow Him with your whole life. Will you say yes?
Take a nametag and write your name on it to show that you are chosen and are willing to take this journey with Jesus.
Scripture Reading
Bonus For Kids
Have you ever been chosen for something special, like a sports team or play? How did that feel? Have you ever felt disappointed when you weren't chosen? How does it make you feel to know that Jesus loves you and chooses you just as you are and that He has a purpose for your life? Are you ready to follow Him?
Write your name on a nametag and wear it to remind yourself that Jesus chooses you!
In your notebook: Write a couple sentences or draw a picture to describe how God sees you when he looks at you. Take a "Chosen" Sticker to add to your notebook for Station 1!