Freedom Prayer is simply the name of a specific ministry at Hope Church that aims to help people find freedom from barriers that may keep them from experiencing joy and peace in Christ. Freedom Prayer is a personal prayer ministry that exists to help with the process of recognizing and resolving anything that would keep us from an abiding relationship with God. It is a “first responder” ministry, focused on equipping individuals to prayerfully examine with God fundamental emotional and spiritual needs that hinder their Christian walk. Wounding, sin, ungodly beliefs and entanglements can create strongholds that cause continual struggle with God and others. Freedom Prayer exists to provide solid biblical reconciliation and restoration, that promotes a healthy prayer life and disciples individuals into a whole and abiding relationship with God. Traditionally, these prayer times occur in small groups of three people within a church team framework.

Schedule A Prayer Time

To schedule a prayer time, please complete a request form below. Someone from our prayer team will get back to you within one week. If you have any questions about requesting a prayer time, please fill out the form below.


  • During a prayer time, you will meet with 2-3 prayer team members. One team member will primarily lead the prayer time with help from the other two members. This team will have been praying on your behalf prior to your scheduled prayer time, and they will be seeking the Lord’s leading during the actual prayer time as well. The prayer time will center on Scripture and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead through applicable areas such as forgiveness, repentance, identifying and removing lies and/or ungodly beliefs, confession of sin, and receiving God’s truth and His heart towards you. There will also be a time of blessing during the prayer session. Both you and the team will be active participants in the prayer time as we seek the Lord’s heart together.

  • Yes, everything that is said and done is held in the strictest of confidentiality. However, the information, as needed, may be shared with other leaders in the prayer team so as to help you continue in the freedom you have gained. With your permission, this may include future meetings with pastors or mentors in our church to set appropriate boundaries for your personal and spiritual growth.

    Furthermore, if there appears to be personal danger to you or to someone else that is discussed during the prayer time, the prayer team may be obliged to share information for your safety or the safety of others.

  • No! Prayer is open to anyone who desires to meet for prayer whether you are part of Hope Church or not. However, our goal is that everyone who comes to pray will be a part of true Christian community.

  • We will offer periodic training for people who are interested in serving on the prayer ministry team. Our next Freedom Prayer training has not yet been scheduled.

To learn more about Freedom Prayer visit