Easter Season Events

Easter Jam | Saturday, April 12 - 10am

An Easter event BIG enough for the WHOLE family! We invite you and your kids to join us for a morning full of fun! We will kick things off in our auditorium with music, laughter and fun games for the entire family! Then we will venture out for an exciting egg hunt! Kids, bring a basket, bag or even a pillowcase to fill up with all the eggs you find! We will provide the rest!

***Register Below!

Palm Sunday | Sunday, April 13 - 10am

A special service that will celebrate Jesus as our King. This service will focus around communion and will include inspiring music and other creative elements.

A Journey To The Cross | Thurs. & Fri., April 17/18 (Times TBD)

An interactive experience that allows you to reflect on the death of Jesus. This powerful journey will take you through the last days of Jesus life and gives you the space to meditate and reflect on His sacrifice for you.

***This experience is open to those ages 12 and up.

Easter Sunday | Sunday, April 20 - Two Identical Services, 9am & 11am

A beautiful experience of the resurrection of Jesus. This service will last roughly one hour. Kids programs are offered for both service times!

***Registration required!

Saturday, April 12

A time for some family fun! Includes, games, music, and an Easter egg hunt!

“A Journey To The Cross”

Thurs & Fri, April 17 & 18

*Times to be determined.

An interactive journey that will take you through the final week of Jesus life. A time to remember.